Minecraft is a popular sandbox video game where players can build, explore and survive in a blocky 3D world. With an endless variety of biomes, creatures, and resources, the game allows players to create their own unique experiences. However, at times, the game can become challenging and players might need some assistance to progress. This is where cheat codes come in handy. In this article, we will discuss the 20 most useful Minecraft cheat codes that can help players navigate through the game with ease.

20 most useful Minecraft cheat codes

  1. /give [player] [item] [amount]
  2. /time set [time]
  3. /weather [weather] [duration]
  4. /kill
  5. /enchant [enchantment] [level]
  6. /xp [amount] [player]
  7. /tp [player] [x y z]
  8. /summon [entity] [x y z]
  9. /effect [player] [effect] [duration] [amplifier]
  10. /fill [x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2] [block]
  11. /setblock [x y z] [block]
  12. /killall [entity type]
  13. /spawnpoint [player] [x y z]
  14. /setworldspawn [x y z]
  15. /clear
  16. /gamemode spectator
  17. /gamemode creative
  18. /gamemode survival
  19. /effect clear
  20. /gamerule


20 most useful Minecraft cheat codes explanations

Now, let’s explain these cheat codes.


Here, you can find the first 7 of the 20 most useful Minecraft cheat codes.

  1. /gamemode: This cheat code allows the player to switch between different game modes. The available modes include survival, creative, adventure, and spectator. To use this code, the player must type /gamemode followed by the mode they want to switch to.
  2. /give: This cheat code allows the player to give themselves any item in the game. To use this code, the player must type /give followed by their username and the item’s ID and quantity.
  3. /kill: This cheat code instantly kills the player. To use this code, the player must type /kill.
  4. /time set: This cheat code allows the player to set the time in the game. The time can be set to day or night. To use this code, the player must type /time set day or /time set night.
  5. /weather: This cheat code allows the player to change the weather in the game. The available weather types include clear, rain, and thunder. To use this code, the player must type /weather followed by the weather type they want to switch to.
  6. /spawnpoint: This cheat code allows the player to set their spawn point. The spawn point is where the player will respawn after dying. To use this code, the player must type /spawnpoint.
  7. /tp: This cheat code allows the player to teleport to a specific location in the game. To use this code, the player must type /tp followed by the username of the player they want to teleport to, and the coordinates of the location they want to teleport to.



Here, you can find the second 7 of the 20 most useful Minecraft cheat codes.

  1. /enchant: This cheat code allows the player to enchant an item. To use this code, the player must type /enchant followed by the username and the ID of the item they want to enchant, and the enchantment level.
  2. /effect: This cheat code allows the player to add or remove status effects such as speed or regeneration. To use this code, the player must type /effect followed by the username, the effect type, and the effect duration and level.
  3. /xp: This cheat code allows the player to add or remove experience points. To use this code, the player must type /xp followed by the amount of experience points they want to add or remove.
  4. /summon: This cheat code allows the player to summon any entity in the game. To use this code, the player must type /summon followed by the entity ID and the coordinates of where they want to summon the entity.
  5. /scoreboard: This cheat code allows the player to create and manage scoreboards. Scoreboards are useful for keeping track of player scores in minigames. To use this code, the player must type /scoreboard followed by the command they want to use.
  6. /fill: This cheat code allows the player to fill a specific area with any block they want. To use this code, the player must type /fill followed by the coordinates of the two corners of the area they want to fill and the block ID.
  7. /setblock: This cheat code allows the player to place a block in a specific location. To use this code, the player must type /setblock followed by the coordinates of the location they want to place the block and the block ID.



Here, you can find the last 6 of the 20 most useful Minecraft cheat codes.

  1. /clear: This cheat code allows the player to clear their inventory of any items. To use this code, the player must type /clear.
  2. /gamemode spectator: This cheat code allows the player to enter spectator mode. In this mode, the player can fly through walls and observe the world without interacting with it. To use this code, the player must type /gamemode spectator.
  3. /gamemode creative: This cheat code allows the player to enter creative mode. In this mode, the player has access to all blocks and items in the game and can fly. To use this code, the player must type /gamemode creative.
  4. /gamemode survival: This cheat code allows the player to enter survival mode. In this mode, the player must gather resources and survive against monsters. To use this code, the player must type /gamemode survival.
  5. /effect clear: This cheat code allows the player to remove all status effects. To use this code, the player must type /effect clear.
  6. /gamerule: This cheat code allows the player to change the game rules. The available game rules include keepInventory, mobGriefing, and doDaylightCycle. To use this code, the player must type /gamerule followed by the rule they want to change and the value they want to set it to.


What to do with these cheat codes?

These cheat codes can be useful for a variety of purposes. For example, the /gamemode creative and /give codes can be used to quickly build structures and gather resources. The /time set and /weather codes can be used to control the time and weather in the game, which can be helpful in survival mode. The /spawnpoint code can be used to set the player’s respawn point, which can be helpful when exploring new areas. The /tp and /summon codes can be used to quickly move around the game world and summon mobs.

However, it’s important to note that cheat codes can sometimes take away from the challenge and sense of accomplishment of the game. It’s recommended that players use cheat codes sparingly and only when necessary. Additionally, some servers and multiplayer games may not allow the use of cheat codes.

20 Minecraft cheat codes conclusion

In conclusion, Minecraft is a game that offers endless possibilities and challenges. The cheat codes listed above can be useful tools for players to navigate through the game with ease. However, players should use them responsibly and with caution to maintain the integrity and spirit of the game. So, now you know the 20 most useful Minecraft cheat codes. Also, we have other articles for you, on our website.

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