Players of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak can expect new content soon. When released on February 7, Free Title Update 4 adds new enemies, Elder Dragon Velkhana new Anomaly Research materials, event quests, and new paid DLC, to Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak according to Capcom. The scouts of Elgado Outpost have located Velkhana, the elusive Elder Dragon that made its debut as the main antagonist of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. When in battle, the monster has the ability to generate ice pillars and glaciate the air’s natural moisture. even completely freeze hunts.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak update will bring Velkhana

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax makes an appearance in the content as well. It is up to you and the other hunters to obtain more information on this Risen Elder Dragon. Because, it is still a mystery. In Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, it will be starting at MR 10 for Velkhana. Also, MR 160 for Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, respectively. Any supplies acquired during these explorations will be used to create new armor and weapons with special abilities. Afflicted Chaotic Gore Magala will join the A8 Quests, new anomaly research will be available, and the maximum number of anomalies that may be investigated will increase to 220.

From difficulty level 111 onward, Elder Dragons will start to appear, and Event Quests will continue to be released every week. Two new Dual Threat missions starring Seething Bazelgeuse and Chaotic Gore Magala are among the new Dual Threat quests. Every Event Quest has a different reward, so be sure to try them out. A new Arena Quest starring Furious Rajang and Scorned Magnamalo will be accessible.

The fourth Free Title Update adds a number of new paid DLC items, such as layered armor. Along with new gestures, poses, stickers, music, and hunter voices, the Minoto layered armor set is also for sale. Additionally, you can register for early access to a complimentary Palamute layered armor that transforms your animal companions into the Elder Dragon Velkhana. Additionally, Free Title Update 5 will be released in April. Besides Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak and Velkhana, we have more articles for you.

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