The Sims 4 is a life simulation game that allows players to create and control their own virtual characters in a world of their own. While the game provides many tools and options for players to create unique gameplay experiences, cheats can be a great way to enhance and modify the gameplay in exciting and unexpected ways. Cheats can help players accomplish tasks, unlock items, and even bend the rules of the game. Here’s a list of Sims 4 cheats and cheat codes for PC, organized into categories for ease of use.

Sims 4 PC cheats and cheat codes

Now we are going to list the cheats and cheat codes we just talked about. But first, there are a few things you should know, before using cheats.

What do you need to know before using The Sims 4 PC cheats and cheat codes?

Before using cheats in The Sims 4, it’s important to understand a few things:

  1. Cheats can affect gameplay: Cheats can make the game easier or harder, depending on how they are used. Using cheats to unlock items, modify needs, or change the world can affect the overall challenge and balance of the game.
  2. Cheats can cause bugs and glitches: While cheats are a useful tool, they can also cause unexpected bugs and glitches. Using cheats in certain situations, such as during loading screens or while a Sim is performing an action, can cause the game to behave unpredictably.
  3. Cheats can void achievements: Using cheats can void achievements in the game, as many achievements require players to complete tasks without cheating. If you are aiming to earn achievements, it’s best to avoid using cheats.
  4. Cheats can be addictive: Cheats can be a fun and useful tool, but they can also be addictive. Overusing cheats can make the game less challenging and rewarding, and can even make it less fun over time.
  5. Cheats may require testingcheats true first: Many cheats require testingcheats true to be entered first before they can be used. This enables the cheat system in the game.
  6. Cheats may require specific capitalization: Some cheats require specific capitalization, so it’s important to enter them exactly as they are written.
  7. Cheats may require expansions or DLC: Some cheats require specific expansions or DLC to work, so it’s important to check the requirements before using them.


Overall, using cheats in The Sims 4 can be a fun and useful tool for enhancing the gameplay experience. However, it’s important to use them responsibly and understand the potential consequences before using them. By using cheats creatively and selectively, players can create unique and exciting gameplay experiences that are truly their own.

Basic Cheats

These are the cheats that most players will use frequently, as they provide basic tools for gameplay modification.

  1. TestingCheatsEnabled true/false – Enables or disables cheats in the game. When enabled, players can use other cheats and have access to additional gameplay options.
  2. Money <amount> – Adds the specified amount of money to the household funds. For example, “Money 5000” would add $5000 to the household funds.
  3. FreeRealEstate on/off – Allows the player to purchase any lot in the game without spending any money. When enabled, all lots are free to purchase.
  4. Death.toggle – Toggles death on or off for all Sims in the game.
  5. ResetSim <first name> <last name> – Resets the specified Sim to a neutral state. This can be useful for resolving glitches or issues with Sims.


Needs Cheats

These cheats allow players to manipulate the needs of their Sims, such as hunger, hygiene, and energy.

  1. fillmotive <motive type> – Fills the specified need for the selected Sim. For example, “fillmotive motive_hunger” would fill the Sim’s hunger need.
  2. motivedecay off/on – Disables or enables the decay of needs over time. When enabled, needs will decay as normal.
  3. aspirations.complete_current_milestone – Completes the current milestone for the selected Sim’s aspiration. This can be useful for achieving long-term goals and rewards.


Skills Cheats

These cheats allow players to instantly increase the skills of their Sims, making them better at various activities.

  1. stats.set_skill_level <skill type> <level> – Sets the specified skill to the specified level. For example, “stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10” would set the guitar skill to level 10.
  2. careers.promote <career name> – Promotes the selected Sim to the next level in their career. This can be useful for progressing through careers quickly.
  3. careers.demote <career name> – Demotes the selected Sim to the previous level in their career. This can be useful for exploring different career paths.


Relationship Cheats

These cheats allow players to modify the relationships between Sims, including their friendships, romances, and family connections.

  1. modifyrelationship <first name> <last name> <target first name> <target last name> <value> <relationship type> – Modifies the relationship between two Sims by the specified value and relationship type. For example, “modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Smith 100 LTR_Friendship_Main” would increase the friendship between John Doe and Jane Smith by 100.
  2. sims.add_buff <buff name> – Adds the specified buff to the selected Sim. Buffs can provide various effects, such as improving relationships or mood.
  3. sims.remove_all_buffs – Removes all buffs from the selected Sim. This can be useful for removing unwanted effects or starting fresh.


Object Cheats

These cheats allow players to manipulate objects in the game, including adding new objects, removing objects, and modifying their properties.

  1. bb.showhiddenobjects – Unlocks hidden objects in the game. This can be useful for finding and using objects that are not normally available.
  2. bb.moveobjects on/off – Allows players to move objects freely, without restrictions on placement or clipping. When enabled, players can move objects anywhere they want, including through other objects or walls.
  3. bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Unlocks all items in the game, including those that are normally locked behind gameplay or expansion pack requirements.
  4. bb.enablefreebuild – Enables free building mode, allowing players to modify the structure and layout of their homes without restrictions.


World Cheats

These cheats allow players to modify the world and environment of their Sims, including weather, time, and other elements.

  1. testingcheats true; shift+click on the ground – Brings up a menu of options for modifying the world, including changing the time of day, setting weather conditions, and more.
  2. fps on/off – Toggles the display of frames per second (FPS) in the game. This can be useful for monitoring performance and optimizing settings.
  3. headlineeffects on/off – Toggles the display of thought bubbles and other visual effects in the game. When disabled, these effects will not appear on screen.


Debug Cheats

These cheats are intended for advanced users and allow players to access and modify various debug features in the game.

  1. bb.showliveeditobjects – Shows a list of debug objects that can be placed in the game. These objects are not normally available to players.
  2. debug.enablefreebuild – Enables free building mode, allowing players to modify the structure and layout of their homes without restrictions.
  3. debug.enableadvanceddebugging – Enables advanced debugging tools and features in the game. This can be useful for troubleshooting issues or exploring the game’s inner workings.
  4. debug.showhiddenobjects – Shows hidden objects in the game. This can be useful for finding and using objects that are not normally available.


The Sims 4 PC cheats and cheat codes conclusion

In conclusion, The Sims 4 cheats for PC can provide players with a wide range of options for modifying and enhancing the gameplay experience. From basic tools for managing needs and finances to advanced debug features for exploring the game’s inner workings, cheats can help players accomplish tasks, unlock items, and even bend the rules of the game. By using these cheats responsibly and creatively, players can create unique and exciting gameplay experiences that are truly their own. Besides The Sims 4 PC cheats and cheat codes, we have more articles for you.

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