Counter-Strike 1.6, also known as CS 1.6, is a classic first-person shooter game that has been popular among gamers for over two decades. One of the unique features of the game is the ability to perform bunny hopping or bhop, which involves jumping and strafing simultaneously to move faster and avoid enemy fire. In this article, we will explore the various Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6) bhop commands, categorize them, and list them all.

Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6) bhop commands

Before we dive into the bhop commands, it’s important to understand what bunny hopping is and how it works in CS 1.6. Bunny hopping is a technique where players use the jump and strafe keys to gain speed and move more quickly across the map. By jumping and strafing in a specific pattern, players can move faster than they would by simply running or walking. This technique can be especially useful for traversing large open areas, evading enemy fire, and even reaching certain areas of the map that are otherwise difficult to access.

There are two types of bunny hopping: regular bunny hopping and long jump. Regular bunny hopping is when players jump and strafe repeatedly in a specific pattern to maintain their speed and momentum. Long jump is a technique where players perform a series of jumps to cover a long distance quickly.

Now that we understand what bunny hopping is, let’s look at the bhop commands in CS 1.6. These commands can be entered into the game’s console to modify various aspects of the bunny hopping technique.

Categorization of Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6) bhop commands

The bhop commands in CS 1.6 can be broadly categorized into three groups:

  1. Movement commands
  2. Server commands
  3. Client commands


Movement commands

Movement commands are used to modify the player’s movement in the game. These commands can affect the speed, acceleration, and other aspects of the player’s movement.

  1. sv_airaccelerate – This command controls the amount of air acceleration in the game. The higher the value, the faster players can change direction in mid-air.
  2. sv_maxvelocity – This command controls the maximum velocity that players can reach in the game. Increasing this value can allow players to move faster.
  3. sv_friction – This command controls the friction between the player and the ground. Lowering this value can make it easier to maintain speed while bunny hopping.
  4. sv_maxspeed – This command controls the maximum speed that players can move at in the game. Increasing this value can allow players to move faster.


Server commands

Server commands are used to modify various aspects of the game server. These commands can affect the performance of the server, as well as the behavior of other players in the game.

  1. sv_cheats – This command enables or disables cheats in the game. This must be set to 1 in order to use other bhop commands.
  2. sv_gravity – This command controls the strength of gravity in the game. Lowering this value can allow players to jump higher and farther.
  3. sv_staminajumpcost – This command controls how much stamina is used when performing a jump. Lowering this value can allow players to perform more jumps in quick succession.
  4. sv_staminalandcost – This command controls how much stamina is used when landing from a jump. Lowering this value can allow players to maintain their speed while bunny hopping.


Client commands

Client commands are used to modify various aspects of the player’s client or computer. These commands can affect the player’s performance, as well as their experience of the game.

  1. cl_showfps – This command displays the player’s current frames per second (FPS) on the screen. This can be useful for monitoring performance while playing.
  2. cl_updaterate – This command controls how often the client updates its information from the server. Increasing this value can make the game feel smoother, but may also increase network traffic.
  3. cl_cmdrate – This command controls how often the client sends commands to the server. Increasing this value can make the player’s movements more responsive, but may also increase network traffic.
  4. rate – This command controls the maximum amount of data that the client can receive from the server per second. Increasing this value can improve network performance, but may also increase latency.


List of Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6) bhop commands

Here is a complete list of all the bhop commands in CS 1.6, categorized by type:

Movement commands:

  • sv_airaccelerate
  • sv_maxvelocity
  • sv_friction
  • sv_maxspeed


Server commands:

  • sv_cheats
  • sv_gravity
  • sv_staminajumpcost
  • sv_staminalandcost


Client commands:

  • cl_showfps
  • cl_updaterate
  • cl_cmdrate
  • rate


How to use Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6) bhop commands

To use bhop commands in CS 1.6, you first need to enable cheats by entering “sv_cheats 1” into the console. Once cheats are enabled, you can enter any of the bhop commands listed above to modify various aspects of the game.

To enter a command, open the console by pressing the “~” key, then type the command followed by the desired value. For example, to increase the air acceleration in the game, you would enter “sv_airaccelerate 150” into the console.

It’s important to note that some bhop commands may have unintended consequences or may be considered cheating by other players. Be sure to use these commands responsibly and in accordance with the rules of the game.

Before using the Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6) bhop commands

Before using bhop commands in CS 1.6, it’s important to understand a few key concepts and considerations. Here are some things you should know:

  1. Cheating: Using certain bhop commands can be considered cheating by other players. It’s important to use these commands responsibly and in accordance with the rules of the game. Some servers may also have anti-cheat measures in place that can detect and punish players who use certain commands.
  2. Console commands: To use bhop commands, you need to enter them into the game console. If you’re not familiar with the console, you may want to spend some time learning how to use it before attempting to use any commands.
  3. Command syntax: Each command has a specific syntax that must be followed in order to use it correctly. Most commands require a numerical value to be entered after the command, which determines the degree to which the command is applied.
  4. Command effects: Each bhop command affects the game in a different way. Some commands affect movement physics, while others affect server or client settings. It’s important to understand the effects of each command before using it, as some commands can have unintended consequences if used incorrectly.
  5. Server settings: Some bhop commands can only be used on servers that have them enabled. If you’re playing on a server that doesn’t have certain settings enabled, you won’t be able to use the corresponding commands.


By keeping these considerations in mind, you can use bhop commands in a responsible and effective way, and improve your bunny hopping skills in CS 1.6.


Bunny hopping is a unique and exciting aspect of CS 1.6 that has been enjoyed by players for many years. By using bhop commands, players can modify various aspects of the game to enhance their bunny hopping abilities and improve their performance. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, understanding and using these bhop commands can help you take your bunny hopping skills to the next level. Before we end our Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6) bhop commands guide, we want to show you our other articles.

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