Atlas Fallen, an upcoming fantasy action role-playing game from Focus Entertainment and Deck13, has been delayed till August 10. The teams believe that this will give the developers adequate time to refine it further. To be completely honest, we have some high hopes for this game. From what we’ve seen so far, Atlas Fallen appears to be a somewhat engaging action role-playing game. The next GOTY won’t be this, that’s for sure. So, here is the announcement.

Atlas Fallen got delayed and the new release date is August 10th 2023

It’s also important to remember that Focus Entertainment released a gameplay trailer for Atlas Fallen earlier this month. The battle system in the trailer was reminiscent of Sekiro and Dark Souls. Also, it seemed to move along more quickly than The Surge 2. However, let’s hope Deck13 doesn’t fumble this opportunity. Also, let’s hope that there won’t be any optimization problems with the PC version. The game will reportedly utilize Unreal Engine 5. In other words, it will be a UE5 game that is brand new. So, who are we kidding? Of course, it will experience stutters during shader compilation.

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