It was discovered Wednesday afternoon that Twitter is in the midst of limiting the number of tweet a user can send each day amid a number of platform outages. Users of the microblogging site were receiving notifications that they were “above the daily limit for sending Tweets” despite not tweeting anything during the day as a result of the controversy. After additional study, it appears that the warnings were a problem that only affected users whose tweet counts were much lower than the new threshold.

Twitter has limited the Tweet count per day

According to the Twitter Help Center, accounts will now have a daily restriction of 2,400 tweet. Additionally, per-hour tweets are divided into smaller chunks. So there is now a limit on how many tweets a user account can send in a single hour. According to the website, retweets also count towards both restrictions. Though a specific figure for the maximum amount of tweets per hour isn’t yet known.

Additionally, there are now restrictions on both direct messages and follows. Twitter users can only follow 400 accounts everyday and send 500 direct messages per day. 5,000 people can now be followed by an account on the site, regardless of whether it belongs to a business or an individual.

Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, reportedly wrote an email to staff members asking them to halt the development of new features for the foreseeable future, according to Fortune reporter Kylie Robison.

What should you do when your Tweer reaches Twitter limit?

You’ll need to wait. The platform currently states that in order to continue tweeting, you must just wait a day. “If you do, we’ll let you know by sending you an error notice that identifies the limit you’ve reached.” explains Help Center. “You’ll be allowed to attempt again once the time restriction has passed for limits that are time-based. Such the Direct Messages, Tweets, changes to account email, and API request limits.” Besides the new Twitter Tweet limit, we have more articles for you.

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